Dedicated to making fully devoted followers of Jesus by loving God, loving others and serving in our world.

Vacation Bible School


Roar: Life is Wild, God is Good!

This epic African adventure engaes the whole herd. At Roar, kids explore God’s goodness and celebrate a ferocious fatih that powers them through this wild life. Sciency-Fun Gizmos, team-building games, cool Bible songs, and tasty supper are just a few of the standout activities that help faith flow into real life. Plus, we’ll help kids discover how to see evidence of God in everyday life – something we call God Sightings.

Your kids will also participate in a hands-on mission project, through a program called Operation Kid-to-Kid. Each $10 donation provides supplemental nutrition and education to a mom and child for 2 years, including: prenatal care, education, nutritional monitoring, essential vitamins.

Ages 4 yrs old through 6th grade. Supper at 5:30 pm, VBS 6 – 8:30 pm at Bethlehem Covenant Church

To register for VBS:

    Child's Name

    Child's gender

    Birth Date


    Grade last completed


    Parent Name(s)

    Home Phone

    Cell Phone

    Email Address

    Allergies or other medical conditions

    Emergency Contact


    Relationship to Child(s)

    To register for canoe trip go to: